What is a Supply Chain Control Tower?

August 16, 2022

A Supply Chain Control Tower (SCCT) is a type of air traffic control tower used for handling aircraft in the vicinity of airports. These towers are also known as Terminal Control Towers, or Air Traffic Control Towers for Special Use. They are usually located at major airport terminals and adjacent to the airfield, serving as an alternate control center for aircraft arriving and departing from that airport.

What is a Supply Chain Control Tower?

Supply chain control towers are important in the manufacturing process to ensure that products reach their destination on time, according to About.com. The towers help to monitor and control the flow of materials in a production line by gathering data on when products are produced, transported and delivered.

The Role of a Supply Chain Control Tower

A Supply Chain Control Tower (SCCT) is a key part of any efficient and effective supply chain. In short, a SCCT is responsible for coordinating the flow of goods throughout a company’s supply chain, ensuring that products reach customers on time and in the correct quantities. This ensures that businesses can meet demand while minimizing waste and keeping costs down.

A SCCT plays an important role in ensuring that all parts of the supply chain are working together as one cohesive unit. They ensure that orders are placed correctly, that resources are allocated where they are most needed, and that defective products are quickly identified and corrected. By doing all of this, a SCCT can help to keep businesses running smoothly and avoid any potential disruptions or issues along the way.

If you’re looking to get involved in the world of supply chain management, then a SCCT may be a good place to start. As the central hub for coordination within your company’s supply chain, a SCCT can play an important role in helping your business grow and thrive.

How a Supply Chain Control Tower Functions

A Supply Chain Control Tower (or SCCT) is a centralized, automated system used to monitor and control the flow of goods and materials through a business's supply chain. The SCCT collects data from various sources, such as production plants, warehouses, and distribution channels, and uses that information to make decisions about where products should be produced, where they should be stored, and who should receive them. By preventing disruptions in the flow of goods and materials throughout the supply chain, a SCCT can help ensure that products reach customers on time and in the correct condition.

Benefits of a Supply Chain Control Tower

The benefits of having a supply chain control tower are vast and far-reaching. With the help of a control tower, businesses can improve their efficiency and accuracy when it comes to purchasing and distributing products. Additionally, a supply chain control tower can help businesses reduce risk, increase transparency, and improve communication.

By implementing a supply chain control tower, businesses can ensure that their products are delivered on time and in the correct quantities. The control tower can also monitor product quality, making sure that it meets the required standards. In addition to monitoring product quality, supply chain control towers can also help businesses track inventory levels and forecast demand. This information can help businesses make informed decisions about future production schedules.

A supply chain control tower also helps businesses reduce risk. By monitoring the entire process from start to finish, the tower is able to identify any potential problems early on. This allows businesses to address them before they become major issues. Finally, a supply chain control tower can improve communication between different parts of the business. By sharing information in a consistent way, businesses can ensure that everyone is aware of what's happening at all times.

There are numerous benefits to having a supply chain control tower in your organization.


A supply chain control tower is a critical component of any business, responsible for ensuring that all the components of a company’s supply chain are working together as intended. By monitoring and managing the flow of materials and products through the entire process, a supply chain control tower can help ensure that your business stays on track and meets its objectives. If you have questions about how a supply chain control tower works in practice or if you need help setting up one within your organization, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team.

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